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Monthly Archives: December 2015
(Български) Участие в „Секюрити Експо”-2015 година
(Български) “Седмицата на пожарната безопасност”
(Български) Съпътстващи мероприятия в подкрепа на Национална конференция ЗДРАВОСЛОВНИ РАБОТНИ МЕСТА – УПРАВЛЯВАЙ СТРЕСА
(Български) Сертификат за членство в Българската търговско – промишлена палата
(Български) VII Научна сесия на факултета по химия и фармация на СУ „ Климен Охридски”
(Български) Традиционни годишни награди на БТПП за постижения в българската икономика
Greetings for the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays
A + A Conference
From October 27, 2015 to October 30, 2015 representatives of “Olymp – Safety Equipment” and the Bulgarian Labor Health Safety Association (BATZB) attended A + A – one of the largest conferences and congresses for personal protective equipment in the world in Düsseldorf.
The prestigious world leaders in SCOTT, Capital Safety, Honeywell, MTS, Kong, JSP, DuPont, and others have taken part in the exhibition. The latest and innovative products were released and will be available in 2016.
The exhibition set new records for the number of attendees – 65,000. The number of exhibitors was 1887 from 57 countries, a large percentage of international exhibitions was present and a congress with wide-ranging themes with more than 5,000 delegates.