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Category Archives: News
(Български) Съпътстващи мероприятия в подкрепа на Национална конференция ЗДРАВОСЛОВНИ РАБОТНИ МЕСТА – УПРАВЛЯВАЙ СТРЕСА
(Български) Сертификат за членство в Българската търговско – промишлена палата
(Български) VII Научна сесия на факултета по химия и фармация на СУ „ Климен Охридски”
(Български) Традиционни годишни награди на БТПП за постижения в българската икономика
Greetings for the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays
During the week of safety – 19.10.2015-23.10.2015, in Sofia, Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan was held National Conference “Healthy Workplaces – Managing Stress”.
Bulgarian Association Labour Health Safety actively participated in the conference with Docent Rumiana Tasheva, Eng. Georgi Iliev – vice. Chairman of BA LHS and member of IOSH and Boril Tashev – vice. Chairman of BA LHS and member of IOSH.
Seminar on the occasion of “Safety Week” in Sofia 10.21.2015
Bulgarian Association Labour Health Safety in support of National Conference organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Labour Inspectorate, employers’ organizations, trade unions, participated in the European Week for Safety and Health at Work, 19-23 th October. Within the 43rd week of the year we organize events for the exchange of best practice on safety at work in various enterprises, under the motto:
Healthy Workplaces – manage stress!
One of these events was held on the territory of “Weiss Profile” OOD Sofia on 10.21.2015.
The event was accompanied by statements of experts from BA LHS, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, GENERAL LABOUR INSPECTORATE, trade unions, together with members of BA LHS and discussion on the topics.
The aim of the event was to promote the best practices for successful safety and health at the work place.
Bulgarian Association Labour Health Safety expresses its gratitude to its members and to all who participated!